Attention parents of home school students:
10 months ago, Hoxie School District
Report cards go home TODAY! 💚
11 months ago, Hoxie School District
Reminder: Hoxie School District public meeting is today from 4pm-5pm in the Hoxie cafeteria. We will be informing the community about our application for a Conversion Charter for Hoxie Online Academy.
11 months ago, Hoxie School District
Hoxie School District recognized our Maintenance Department today! Thank you to Matt Kopp and Jerry Vankirk for their hard work in keeping everything running and in good working order on our campus! We are fortunate to have Matt and Jerry on our Hoxie Team!
11 months ago, Hoxie School District
Matt Kopp and Jerry Vankirk
Hoxie School District public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12th from 4pm-5pm in the Hoxie Cafeteria to discuss the application for a Conversion Charter status for Hoxie Online Academy. Apologies for not including the time in the previous message.
11 months ago, Hoxie School District
The softball game at Westside tomorrow has been cancelled.
12 months ago, Hoxie Public Schools
Hoxie School District made a School Calendar change at the school board meeting this week. Both Lawrence County Officials and The Secretary of Education asked that we not have school on April 8th, 2024, due to the eclipse. School will Not be in session April 8, 2024, but school Will be in session on April 12, 2024. The new calendar is on our school website and will be available tonight in the school offices if you would like a copy.
about 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
Message from Hoxie School District: Part of SW Randolph Street is closed due to a tree across the road. The Middle School parking lot and Student parking lots are not affected. Please drive safely on SW Randolph St and detour streets tomorrow as we return to school! Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
After listening to the concerns of our community and Mustang Fans, Hoxie will be live streaming the 2nd round of the State Playoff games this evening at Crider Field. It will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel: hoxie schools #GoMustangs
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
The Hoxie Mustangs Football team will play in round 1 of the playoffs tonight at Crider Field, game time is 7pm. Tickets MUST BE purchased online at: All fans school age and up must purchase a ticket for $8.00, this includes Hoxie employees. All playoff ticket sales and rules are set by (AAA) the Arkansas Activities Association. We hope to see all of our Mustang Fans in Hoxie tonight!
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
The power has been restored to all school buildings on Hoxie School District campus. We will continue with a full day of school.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Gillham
Hoxie School District has lost electricity, Entergy is working to restore power and has estimated 10am as the time it will be restored. We have the ability to serve lunch to all students and plan to stay at school for a full day. If that changes we will notify you immediately.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Gillham
Due to continued power outages on campus, Hoxie School District will dismiss today at 11:30 am. Buses will leave at 11:30 am. Please contact the offices if you have any questions. School will resume as normal on Friday, October 27th.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Gillham
The City of Hoxie lost electricity this morning, including Hoxie School District. We are told power will be restored at 9:30 am. We will update when we have power restored.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Gillham
Hoxie School District will dismiss at 2:15pm today for Parent/ Teacher Conferences. P/T Conferences are this evening from 3pm -7pm. There will be No School Friday, September 22nd. We hope to see everyone this evening at Parent/Teacher Conferences!
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
Hoxie School District will be closed on Monday, September 4th, 2023, in observance of Labor Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 5th. Enjoy your weekend!
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
HOXIE SCHOOL DISTRICT MILLAGE ELECTION PASSED! Thank you to the Hoxie Community for showing up to the polls and supporting our school. Building a brand-new Elementary School Building is a big Win for our Hoxie Students! Thank you again to everyone who voted to give our students a new Hoxie Elementary School. We are thankful for your support and partnership in education.
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
Today is Election Day!
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
Election Day
HOXIE SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTERS! Hoxie School District Millage Election to build a New Hoxie Elementary School Today, August 7, 2023, is the last day for early voting at the Lawrence County Courthouse from 8am-4:30pm Tomorrow, August 8, 2023, is Election Day at the following locations: Hoxie Service Center from 7:30 am-7:30pm Minturn City Hall from 7:30 am-7:30pm Portia City Hall from 7:30am-7:30pm
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District
Hoxie School District will have Open House on Thursday, August 10th from 5pm-7pm. Elementary will have a Parent Meeting in Mustang Gym at 4:30pm High School will have 7th grade Orientation in Mustang Gym at 5:15pm High School will have a Senior/Parent meeting in Mustang Gym at 6pm Hoxie Cafeteria will have food, drawings, and frozen yogurt from 5pm-7pm We hope to see all of our Mustang Family at Open House on August 10th.
over 1 year ago, Hoxie School District