We will be in session tomorrow! Don't forget to wear your green and white!💚
about 1 month ago, Hoxie School District
Hoxie School District was recently awarded the Chevrolet Back to School Grant through Cavenaugh Auto World for $1,250. The grant will help purchase supplies for student projects and activities. Thank you, Cavenaugh Auto World for this opportunity for our students!
2 months ago, Hoxie School District
Hoxie Schools welcomes Veterans to the Veteran's Day Celebration. After the celebration event, veterans enjoyed brunch together along with students.
3 months ago, Mary Stormes
friends 2
vets and friends
MADD Club, Student Counsel and the Superintendent's Office is having a good time passing out treats to students!!
4 months ago, Mary Stormes
Student Counsel
Superintendent's office
Community businesses and Hoxie Schools are celebrating a Happy Halloween with students!!
4 months ago, Mary Stormes
Trunk or Treat
Coming soon...
5 months ago, Hoxie School District
Thursday, September 19th school will release at the regular time, 3:20pm. Parent /Teacher Conferences will be held in both elementary and high school, from 3:30pm-7:00pm. School will Not be in session on Friday! We hope to see you Thursday evening! #gomustangs
5 months ago, Hoxie School District
Seventh Grade Orientation will be Thursday, August 8th at 5:00 pm in the high school library! We hope to see you! 💚
6 months ago, Hoxie School District
Open House will be Thursday, August 8th from 5:30-7:30! There will be free food and games in the cafeteria. We will have short parent meetings in Mustang Gym. High school will meet at 5:45 and elementary at 6:15. We hope to see you there! 💚
6 months ago, Hoxie School District
Please help us welcome the newest team members to our Mustang family! 💚
7 months ago, Hoxie School District
Due to excessive heat, peewee football practice has been canceled for today.
7 months ago, Hoxie School District
The 2024-2025 Hoxie School District and the 2024-2025 Hoxie ABC PreK Calendars are attached below. 💚
7 months ago, Hoxie School District
We hope you are having a wonderful summer! School will resume on Tuesday, August 13th! We can't wait to see everyone! 💚
7 months ago, Hoxie School District
High School Math teachers engage in learning at the Long+Live+Math national conference.
7 months ago, Mary Stormes
teachers math
Hoxie School Board will hold a Special School Board meeting: Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 7pm in the Superintendent's office
8 months ago, Dalton Cagle
Hoxie School District thanks Matt Kopp and Jerry VanKirk for winning the Association of Pupil Transportation award.
8 months ago, Mary Stormes
Teachers enjoying group work at the NIET summer Professional Development meetings. Sharing ideas and discovering teaching strategies lead to the success of this training.
8 months ago, Mary Stormes
circle 1
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circle 3
Teachers collaborating at the NIET summer Professional Development meetings. Collective Efficacy and Analyzing Student Work with feedback were the topics of this 2 day training.
8 months ago, Mary Stormes
Group 1
group 2
The Hoxie Public School is participating in the Summer Food Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge at the Hoxie School Cafeteria June 3-July 31, Monday-Friday. Breakfast will be served 7:30am-8:30am. Lunch will be served 11 am-12:30pm. The program will be closed July 4-5 in observance of Independence Day.
9 months ago, Hoxie Public Schools
Visit the DHS website: ar.gov/summerebt to determine your eligibility for the Summer EBT Program and complete an application.
10 months ago, Hoxie School District